October 13, 2008

Primtetime Goes Online...

[Copied from my new home at WordPress]

Hello, and welcome to Chapter 46 of “How Google Took Over The World.” With market share for their rather wonderful browser starting to inexplicably slide, everyone’s favorite billionaire geeks have declared a new and much-anticipated tactic in their ceaseless march towards world domination: Full-length TV shows on You Tube.

They’ve just released a new widescreen player that’s claimed to be capable of producing a passable representation of the human form, rather than the rather curious, Picasso-style monsters that have so long been their staple fare. The next logical step was content to fill them, and one of the first shows to ‘air’ will be Star Trek.

You can’t say those Google guys don’t know their audience.

You Tube’s familiar menu of short-format videos are usually free of commercials but sadly this strange new world will have ads before, after and even during the shows. To me, that’s a bad idea. Everyone - even geeks - hates ads. And Star Trek alone is over forty years old - How costly can such antiquity be??

There are several sites already online that offer TV content in various forms, and trust me - most of it’s offal! Hulu is the only one that’s captured public attention, and this is clearly Google’s reply. The world is changing and most of the change is coming by air. Digital TV is just a few months away and the restless evolution of computers, cellphones and the Internet itself means people are watching in a litany of ways. The audience is moving online, and TV Exec’s have been scared to give chase. This is a bold, first step.

Mark the date, folks. I see a day, not long from now, when your current TV will look as out of place in your home as a Tank. The day will soon dawn when your TV, computer, media players and phone will comprise a single, cohesive unit. And every part will be live and online. Our own parents would be unable to grasp it.

Personally, I relish that dawn.

Photo by: Mwichary

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Contact me at: HarlequinMail @ GMail.com