October 26, 2007

Here is the News...Not all of it good...

The news from the Networks this week has been a curious and rather unsettling cocktail of the good...and the just plain inexplicable.

The good news is that ABC has ordered a full season of "Pushing Daisies," arguably the most intelligent show to grace the more commonly low-brow Network-TV landscape in at least a decade.

A significant portion of the major Networks' output is comprised of shows that are almost imperceptible clones of each other. Were a show of this caliber their source, television as a whole would be immeasurably improved; Its melodious blend of subtle wit, utter originality and impeccable production values make 'Daisies' a rare and precious example of an intellectual standard to which all those desirous of entering the profession should be trained to aspire from day one.

On a less welcome note, Fox has ordered a further infestation of that charmless televisual disarray known as “Back to You." Seemingly created entirely to showcase Kelsey Grammer's impalpable talents, it's less officially known by many as, “Frasier Reads the News.”

Fox has ordered a full season, thereby extending this cringe-inducing morass to an utterly unwarranted two-dozen episodes. After bravely enduring her role as indispensable reinforcement to Ray Romano's egocentric posturing, Patricia Heaton deserved a part that would serve as both reward and long-overdue endorsement of an innate and admirable talent.

This show is inarguably not it.

The axe has already visited 'Online Nation' and 'Laughlin', and both are mercifully gone. We can only hope Mr. Grammer's latest unwarranted exemplar will be its next stop.

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