November 28, 2007

Adding Insult to Ignominy

From the files of The Department of Things That Make You Go, "Duh!"...comes the startling news that viewers are giving Network Television the finger. In droves! Ratings for all the major networks are in free-fall as viewers tune to other stations to avoid the incessant and patronizing commercials.

And what does a major player like, say, NBC do to recover? They add more commercials!

The November 15th episode of "30 Rock," featured Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey in a gossamer-thin sham of profit-driven, tub-thumping for a cellphone company, dressed up to look like part of the show.

The company responsible admits it paid NBC for the chance to treat 8-million people like sheep. And it's not even the first time that you, dear reader, have been treated as a marketable commodity to be exploited for profit. They used you before in 2006, in return for a nice, fat check from a soft-drink company.

To her credit, at the end of this reprehensible charade Ms. Fey looked straight at the camera and asked, "Can we have our money now?"

Up to November 18th, 30 Rock committed this disrespectful insult against you a total of 142 times, with almost 15 minutes of commercial content -- And that's in addition to all the ads you're supposed to endure in the breaks!

The worst offender, however, is "The Office." In the first four weeks of last season the Producers sold out their audience by adding commercial pitches to the scripts so they could make extra profits. The last season -- and with any luck, it will be! -- included 2.5-hours of greed-induced placements.

Exactly what do we need to do to enlighten the suits who run American networks that treating the Audience, a body of people whose voluntary involvement make the entire industry possible - and vastly profitable - like whores, to be pimped to the Advertisers is not a sane policy to reverse this predictable, and entirely self-inflicted decline? Their precious ratings are falling, and this avaricious exploitation is a major reason why.

Perhaps we should run a commercial?? But they'd probably just change the channel...
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