November 12, 2007

NBC makes WGA a new offer - The Finger!

NBC Direct, the "free" service from NBC that lets you download full episodes of shows like The Office, 30 Rock, Las Vegas, Biggest Loser and more, has just launched on NBC's main site.

Currently in that annoying cop-out known as "Beta," and originally scheduled to open last month, the new video viewing service lets you download NBC shows direct to your PC [No, not Mac....Or Linux] to be viewed in a special [crippled] player.

First you'll need IE 6; Then you have to get the MSN bloat-fest known as .NET. After that, you have to install a "Security update"....then you can finally [try to] watch the show. If you're quick.

You are dumb enough to do all that, right? Good -- that's what NBC was hoping!

So in the midst of a bitter dispute where the WGA is asking for fair - and long overdue - compensation from the digital domain [which the studios claim they can't afford,] NBC launches a download service to make themselves even more money.

Let's go over all of its wonderful features, in case you missed one...
  • Only works in the US
  • Only works with IE6 or above
  • Demands the presence of the ".NET" extension -- 25Mb+ of pure bloat
  • The shows only last 48-hours once they're downloaded
  • Every show contains advertising -- And you can't skip it
  • Every show is infested with DRM !
...Let me know when I get to an attractive one??

I can hear you all jumping up and down with utter indifference. And I don't blame you a bit! So do your brain a favor and support the WGA - There's a boycott of all download services from the Networks, and this has to be the worst of them all. Use iTunes, or slip into an eyepatch and download a few torrents. You couldn't possibly do worse than this insult!

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This blog is written by Michael J. Austin.
Created in Linux, with Open-Source software.
Contact me at: HarlequinMail @