July 30, 2008

Shake, Rattle and...Roll 'em!

Tuesday's earthquake only lasted about 15 seconds - and I must confess to being somewhat dismayed that none of its Earth shuffling influence made it up here -- but it apparently caused some major discomfort in parts further south...

The “Big Brother” crew, located in Studio City, were close to the epicenter and the cast were seen scrambling for cover when the shaking started. The whole house is actually built on a sound-stage -- so it's almost as fake as some of the inmates boobs?? -- and as those inside are forbidden any form of outside contact the Producers were reduced to telling them what was happening by yelling the news at them through Bull-horns.

...You couldn't make this stuff up??

Many of the cast are not even from California, so this was the first time they'd experienced a real, live quake. That perky Viewer's favorite, Holly was caught on a sun-bed in only her undies when the fun started. I only wish I could be sure this proved the intellectual pygmies responsible for the show had defined a brave new policy to make people watch...but I doubt they possess the intuitive skills.

But the cameras never stopped. The show is streamed live online 24/7, so the cast had to return to 'work' as soon as the world calmed down. If they could only equal in relevance what they displayed in commitment, more people might find a reason to care.

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