October 18, 2007

Me-thinks he doth protest too much...

While we're on the topic of the Tonight Show, did anyone else see James Spader as Jay's guest on Monday? How did this man ever get the job??

In his 47 years of sharing this planet, Mr. Spader has appeared in an impressive list of films and television projects....yet all he could do was complain: He doesn't like the attention, he can't stand making films, he doesn't like talking to Journalists, and he hates long runs in a show as they limit him and he feels 'trapped'.

Now in his fifth season on 'Boston Legal', Mr. Spader has therefore enjoyed a more dependable work schedule, higher income and greater visibility for five consecutive years than some Actors will achieve in twenty.

Yet all we hear is objections.

If he's truly so averse to the attention that is both an intrinsic and inseparable aspect of the performer's career, might one inquire why he agreed to appear on a nationally televised drama? Then subsequently agreed to guest on the most successful chat show in the history of American media? Neither could honestly be described as the act of one who craves anonymity.

My organization is devoted to the single goal of giving voice and visibility to a large number of talented Actors whose guileless desire is to experience even a small percentage of the success and notoriety Mr. Spader allegedly finds so distasteful. So to hear him whimper about how repugnant the success he is fortunate to enjoy truly is when there are 20,000 actors in LA alone whose innate gifts could erase any trace of his existence from the public's consciousness if they had the same platform is both disingenuous and repulsive.

There is an old adage that says, 'If you can't stand the heat, leave the Kitchen.' The solution to Mr. Spader's proclaimed malady is equally simple: If you find success so repulsive, move out of the way; We can replace you ten-fold in five minutes!

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