October 19, 2007

Twinkle, Twinkle....Faded Star....

Hard on the Cuban heels of that Sequin-encrusted festival of mind-crushing banality commonly referred to as 'Dancing with the Stars' comes news that 'The Donald' is at it again. There is to be another 'Celebrity Apprentice.'

I'll give you a moment to try and overcome the depression.

So far slated to appear in this televised death-wish are such stratospheric mediocrities as Omarosa, Lennox Lewis, Gene Simmons, Stephen Baldwin, Tito Ortiz, Carol Alt, Vincent Pastore, John Cena and Marilu Henner.

...If you could pick any one of them out of a 3-person line-up, I'd give you $10,000.

The one 'Celebrity' not so far scheduled to belittle themselves is Paris Hilton. It's long been my contention that Ms. Hilton's IQ would need to be surgically quadrupled before she could register as an idiot, but you have to give the poor, misguided ex-con her due; She may have the intellectual prowess of a donut, but she's still too smart to debase herself on this show!

In a country, the breadth and scope of whose television landscape is unparalleled anywhere on Earth, is it really so hard for a truly talented person to practice their craft that so many [apparently sane] people can be persuaded to participate in a show of such unbounded bromide?

Take for example, Omarosa. This is not a celebrity. This is a person of minuscule, and so far undetermined talent who had a brief and utterly inexcusable association with notoriety via a minor Reality show hardly anyone watched.

And that was three years ago! Name three things she's done since?

Likewise, Mr. Baldwin, while being vaguely related to people who can be regarded as possessing a modicum of celebrity, has never actually been one in person. And Mr. Lewis deserves to have secured better management and better endorsements while his sojourn with fame was still valid - Look at George Forman.

This is another sad example of American Television's ongoing suicide pact with its creators. They produce an endless, mind-rotting carousel of shows that only people for whom oatmeal is deemed too exciting would have the slightest inclination to witness....Then they're utterly at a loss to comprehend why people won't watch??

How much more of this pain are we expected to endure before those who govern the Networks finally admit their blessed cash-cow of Reality has finally run dry??

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